GT - Golf Scoring Service
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Welcome to GT - Golf Scoring Service

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If you want system only to calculate score, but not store it, you can add the word "test" at the end of the SMS. This way you can for example calculate your playing partners score and that score won't be shown as yours on the web.

for example: gt hagk mk 23.2 576675736646555745 test

Important changes 2004:.
  • SMS service number and price have changed. The new number is 17234 and the new price 1,10 €/message.
  • GT-service works also support operators DNA and Saunalahti.
Go check here for fun ringtones etc.

You need to register to login. If you haven't registered yet, you can do it by sending SMS gt register to 17234. You'll get a response message with id and password.
More help here.

GT SMS service doesn't require registering, so you can instruct your playing partners after a round on how to use the service. They can then register later to check their scores in full color.

NOTE! Here you can find a list of courses and keywords with a quick guide. Worth printing and putting into your bag.

Copyright Jussi Pollari.