Instructions for Golf Scoring service
Golf scoring short message (SMS) is sent to number 17234. Note! Do not add country code. Supporeted GSM operators are: DNA, Saunalahti, Elisa (Radiolinja) and Sonera .
Price of message is always 1,10 €.
Format of short message is:
GT course tee handicap score
Add space between different words. For example:
GT ERG MK 17.5 643465557645746566
| GT | - | key word (always the same and MANDATORY) |
| ERG | - | played course, here it is ERG, Espoo Ringside Golf |
| MK | - | man/woman and played tee. ( NP, NS, NK, MV, MK, MS or MP ) |
| 345654567656786554 | - | score. |
Write your score without spaces, add space only after hole in one (1).
Service accepts scores 1-19 (hole). If you do not finish the hole, add 0 (nil)
for that hole. GT-service accepts 9 or 18 holes scores.
Short message can be written either in capital or small letters.
After sending your message you will receive response message that includes your score
and stableford points score and calculated new handicap (assuming you will leave your scorecard)
Ringside 73
playhcp: 17
points: 32
New hcp: 17.6
Score: 94
Net: 94-17=77
You can alse check scores, yours and other players, at
You don't have to be a registered player to use SMS-service, but logging into www-sites requires
registering. To register, send SMS gt register or gt salasana to number 17234. You will
receive response message to your phone with your user ID (same as your phone number) and
password. If you forget your password, you can send new registering message ("gt register")
and you will receive new password.
Supported course
Almost every golf course in Finland is in the service.
Here you can find a list of all supported golf courses and their codes that
are used in the SMS
If you'd like a new course to be added to the service, please send your wishes